After Bankruptcy

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Saturday, April 12, 2008

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Who is in the Way of Your Success

Sat, 10 Nov 2007 14:52:55 GMT
Recently I asked the following question to a group of entrepreneurial businessmen that I was facilitating: “Who is in the way of your success?”

I was amazed to hear the answer: “ME”. Yes, that is correct. All of them acknowledged that they are the person in the way of their own success. This was equally true in running their business or their own life and relationships. I was very happy to hear this answer because it is the truth. So often we have trouble seeing through our own ego and blind spots to acknowledge that it is us who is in the way. There are other factors too of secondary importance such as lack of capital, finding the right people, market forces etc

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Bankruptcy Home Loan Refinance

For Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
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