After Bankruptcy

For the latest tips on After Bankruptcy

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Bankruptcy Lawyer Tampa
Bankruptcy Mortgage

The points, among others, will include the fact that you recently received your credit and also will point out any increased usage immediately preceding the bankruptcy filing. You may be questioned as to why you filed for credit card bankruptcy right after obtaining a large cash advance.
All these reasons will help the bank show the court you never intended to pay them. If you plan to file for bankruptcy, set your credit card aside and wait six months before filing. If you plan on trying to prove your financial problems, an inactive credit card will help.
bankruptcy second mortgage

Bankruptcy Filing Kit
Bankruptcy and Debtor

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What the Advisor Said......What the Client Heard

Tue, 08 May 2007 00:52:00 GMT
Communication is a significant theme in Financial DNA and one that I am often asked to talk about. Certainly, it is a foundational starting point in all of our work with advisors and clients.

How advisors and clients communicate is not only important to the quality of the relationship but also to the quality of the financial decisions that get made. What happens when the communication is poor is that people start making decisions around each other because the trust has been diminished. Also, poor decisions get made because the information has not been heard as intended. The same is true when couples, families, business partners and teams communicate.

Bankruptcy Courts
