After Bankruptcy

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Related Guideline About Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

At times, overusing a credit card is likely when consumers use it to pay for their purchases. Having a way to pay off the debt will see the person doesn't have a problem. It may be necessary to file for credit card bankruptcy.

The bank issuing the credit card can challenge this bankruptcy claim if they believe you lied to obtain it. In cases where the issuing agency believes you have used the card illegally, they can insist you pay your balance. In the event of a contestment, this money remains payable. Declaring the individual gave fraudulent information on the application will take place when the credit issuer attends the hearing.

The bank may accuse you of intentionally planning to steal when you obtained your credit card. Countless excuses are given to dispute credit card bankruptcy cases. Among the reasons you may encounter are excessive spending prior to filing for bankruptcy and the recent acquisition of another credit card. A challenging argument might include any recent cash advances you received preceding filing for bankruptcy.


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These activities indicate you are trying to defraud the credit card company and the courts will allow this evidence as proof. Waiting for six months between the time you last use your credit card and when you file for credit card bankruptcy is best. Financial hardship is easier to prove if there is a lack of activity on your credit card. Discussing your situation with a lawyer is recommended before filing for credit card bankruptcy.

Discussing your options with a lawyer may reveal different solutions to your financial burdens. Undergoing a bankruptcy case will add a bad credit mark to your public record. Creditors can now charge you higher interest rates and you will need to convince them of your willingness to pay these rates. Getting a handle on your finances may depend upon taking this hard course.

How you will repay your creditors will be discussed by your lawyer and creditors after you have proven you are having financial problems at the moment.


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