After Bankruptcy

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Financial DNA White Paper - Accelerate Your Communication

Thu, 24 Aug 2006 00:06:20 GMT
This podcast will address how enhancing your communication is foundational to making more optimal decisions and enhancing the quality of your relationships and your overall life.

We naturally communicate based on who we are, and how we see the world. How the other person hears the message, depends on who they are, so there is often a gap that needs to be bridged between what is said and what was heard. One of the keys to success in any relationship is closing this gap by communicating with the other person on their terms, and not your own.

Personal Bankruptcy Statistics



  • At 9:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    34 years of "trying to keep up with the Jones'" has led to approx $100,000 unsecured debt and a 1st & 2nd mortage.
    I filed Chapter 7 15 years ago due to extended unemployment which ultimately resulted in excessive unsecured credit card debt (45K).


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