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Wed, 24 Oct 2007 14:31:31 EDT
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Significant Tip About Houston Bankruptcy Attorney
At times, overusing a credit card is likely when consumers use it to pay for their purchases. Trouble won't occur if the individual has a means of taking care of the obligation. Credit card liquidation is sometimes a necessary result.
When you file for credit card bankruptcy, the bank can challenge your claim if the feel you gave them false information. Refusing to forgive the money owed is an option when the bank that issued your card feels you used it dishonestly. When the bank disagrees with the bankruptcy case, the individual becomes responsible for the balance owed. In a court action asking that you be made to pay your balance, the issuing bank will say you illegally obtained the credit card.
Theft by deception, because you never intended to pay your balance, is one argument an individual may have to face. Banks have numerous reasons to choose from when disputing a bankruptcy case. Recent increased spending or acquisition of another credit card prior to filing for bankruptcy will be fuel for the argument. Another reason is the individual obtaining huge cash advances immediately preceding the filing for bankruptcy.
I hope you are enjoying this article so far. It should prove very helpful whether your actual query is about Houston Bankruptcy Attorney or any other related other related credit debt reduction, debt counter, credit card consolidators, california bankruptcy property, corporate bankruptcy statistics and bankruptcy in law michigan information. Read on.Because all these actions can point toward your intentions to defraud, the bank has proof to give the courts. Half a year is the suggested period of time to wait between when you ceased using your card and when you file for credit card bankruptcy. Claiming you are low on income will be better proven if you haven't used your credit card recently. Wanting to file for credit card bankruptcy is better discussed with your lawyer first.
You may have various courses of action open to you that will come to light by talking with your lawyer about your situation. Public records will indicate bad credit once you file for credit card bankruptcy. As a result, the burden of proof about your willingness to pay other businesses will be upon you. Being willing to consider bankruptcy is not an easy choice but may well be your only one if you are drowning in debt.
Your bankruptcy case will enable talks to take place between creditors and your lawyer so you can decide how best to pay your balances.
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Personal Bankruptcy Simplified
Personal Bankruptcy Simplified: File for Bankruptcy with the new 2005 Bankruptcy Act (Law Made Simple)
Bankruptcy Mortgage
Bankruptcy Fraud
Paying for purchases with a credit card can often result in the overuse of card. The person won't find himself in a mess if he has money to pay the credit card. Sometimes the individual has to declare credit card bankruptcy. The bank issuing the credit card can challenge this bankruptcy claim if they believe you lied to obtain it. Believing you have illegally utilized your credit, you may still be liable for your debt to the issuing agency.
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