After Bankruptcy

For the latest tips on After Bankruptcy

Thursday, October 11, 2007

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At times, overusing a credit card is likely when consumers use it to pay for their purchases. The individual will not face a dilemma is payments are possible. At times, the person has no choice but to declare credit card bankruptcy.

The company you received the credit card from may argue with your bankruptcy claim, usually if they believe you received it fraudulently. Refusing to forgive the money owed is an option when the bank that issued your card feels you used it dishonestly. Once the credit card issuer challenges the bankruptcy, the balance becomes payable. The hearing requesting full payment will see the credit card issuer making charges of falsification of the application.

The bank may accuse you of intentionally planning to steal when you obtained your credit card. Credit card issuing agencies may find numerous reasons to challenge your claim. The points, among others, will include the fact that you recently received your credit and also will point out any increased usage immediately preceding the bankruptcy filing. Getting a hefty advance of cash will give a reason for arguing if you then file for credit card bankruptcy.


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Proof of your intention to defraud your creditors will be established by all these actions. If you plan to file for bankruptcy, set your credit card aside and wait six months before filing. The less you have used your card; the better your chances are of proving you are having financial troubles. Getting a lawyer's advice is a good idea before filing for credit card bankruptcy.

A lawyer may have additional suggestions to solve your financial hardship if you take the time to discuss your situation with one. Adding a designation as a bad credit risk is the result of filing for credit card bankruptcy. Your willingness to pay future creditors will now be questioned and they may charge you a higher interest rate as a result. Getting a handle on your finances may depend upon taking this hard course.

Settling on a payment plan will come when your lawyer and creditors get together after you have proven your financial situation.


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A Short Extract of Another Related Article

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In the eyes of the issuing agency, if you made false claims to obtain your card, they can argue against your bankruptcy filing. If your credit card usage is deemed illegal by the issuing bank, they can argue your bankruptcy claim. This money is not written off if the issuing company contests the bankruptcy. During the hearing to request payment, the credit card agency will say you lied when you applied. An intentional negligence to pay may be an argument you face from the credit card agency.
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