After Bankruptcy

For the latest tips on After Bankruptcy

Thursday, February 21, 2008

How To Settle Your Debts
Personal Bankruptcy For Dummies

Bankruptcy Lawyers
Declaring Bankruptcy

You will now be in a position to prove to many businesses that you are willing to pay them the higher interest rates they can ask for. As hard as it is to think about, bankruptcy may be what you need to see your way through financial hardship. How you will repay your creditors will be discussed by your lawyer and creditors after you have proven you are having financial problems at the moment.
home loan bankruptcy bad credit

Simple Guru
Advisor-Client Chemistry

Thu, 21 Jun 2007 05:46:30 GMT
Do you have the right clients? This is a very topical issue for many financial planners, particularly those who have already built a business to a reasonable level. Actually, it is as important as the client selecting the right advisor.

In the end there must be a mutual relationship with the parties comfortable with each other. The relationship cannot start out (but it often does) with the client simply having dollars in the bank account and some financial planning needs, and on the other side the client believing the advisor has the skills and the necessary integrity. In fact, these are all assumed to get to the point of the first meeting. Bob Veres of Inside Information ( has written a great article this month called "Segmentation or Bust" mainly directed at advisors to consider the structure of their client base.

Bankruptcy Chapter 11



  • At 12:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I've noticed that in the last few months, CH7 filers who are on the edge of a 13 are being scrutinized more heavily than before-
    if you get to the point where you must file, best thing to do..get a good lawyer, be 100% open and honest in every aspect of the filing, and be prepared to spend some sleepless nights and stressful days. In the end though, if you were 100& honest and did not violate any of the BK laws, your fresh start will be here and you get a second chance. I know I tried every possble way to avoid filing, but in the end, it was all I had left, so I had to.
    I just retained a very experienced bk attorney about 2 weeks ago. This attorney is actually trying to become a trustee. I am paying $1500 for a chapter 7 + filing fees + education cost.

  • At 2:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I have been living above my means for years and was in denial. It's finally caught up with me. I am a single mother with two children to support and I need to do what I need to do financially to get my finances in order.

  • At 10:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    it's comforting to know that the advise is here, the sucess stories are posted, that it IS possible to start over.


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