Bankruptcy Lawyers
Refusal to allow you to be released from your obligation can occur if the issuing credit card agency thinks you used it fraudulently. A dispute over bankruptcy filing will result in the individual be responsible for paying any outstanding monies. The hearing requesting full payment will see the credit card issuer making charges of falsification of the application. The bank may argue that your neglect in paying was intended all along. Credit card issuing agencies may find numerous reasons to challenge your claim.
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At 2:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
it's comforting to know that the advise is here, the sucess stories are posted, that it IS possible to start over.
At 7:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
Thank you very much for putting this so clearly in one location.
At 6:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
The most-asked question: 'How should debts included in bankrutpcy be showing on my credit reports ?'
The answer:
All debts that were included in your bankruptcy should be reporting with a ZERO balance, show ZERO due, show nothing past due after the date of your bankruptcy filing, and should be noted as "included in bankruptcy' or similar verbage.
At 3:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hello, Id like to get more information on the bankruptcy laws. I believe there is 3, maybe even 4 but Im not too familiar with any of them. can anyone give me their feedback or a site that discusses them.
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